حاسبة العمر حسب تاريخ الميلاد تحسب العمر بالسنوات والأيام والساعة وبالدقائق.
Age calculator by date of birth is an app which helps you calculate your age through your birthdate. If you get a question in mind like "what is my age" or if you sometimes wonder "What would be my age in hours or days or even in minutes" then this is an easy way to calculate the same. This app works as an age finder which will calculate your current age through date of birth. So you can easily calculate years from date of birth with a single button. It is a simple app which is quite easy to use .Just enter your date of birth, it will work as a birthday age calculator and will give you your age in minutes/hours/days/years. If you face problems while calculating age then with this app you can easily do so and you can know the age of your loved ones with their D.O.B. Also you can use this app to calculate how long it has been since the event which means a lot to you happened by just entering it's date.