desherBari is designed to list properties for sale or rent in a desired locality. A list of properties meeting the criteria for search is displayed in batches. Details include a selection of images, key features, compositions, room sizes and descriptions of each property, and contact details of the proposer. The search criteria may contain a list of inclusion and exclusion items to narrow down the requirement as closely as possible. It is also possible, via the Cart facility, to select certain properties from the list shown and send the details to a registered email address. The application also offers property Alerts to be created. The application will generate an email with all the properties satisfying the search criteria to a registered email address as and when these are listed on this site. There is no charge for viewing, or registering for alerts and carts, receiving alerts, or using cart facilities.
Only registered users can market their properties. They can: upload images of various rooms, choose from various drop down lists to describe the composition, add key features and descriptions of their choice. Assistance is available for adding key features and descriptions. The users can choose from the predefined list or make up their own content. Once the property is ready to be marketed or listed, the users need to choose the number of days they would like the listings to be live and pay on that basis. Payment is made by a valid credit or a debit card, the details of which are given on the invoice. Once payment has been made, and the listing is approved, it will go live. The approval process requires certain documentation to be uploaded, which includes proof of ownership of the property, proof of identity, etc. The user registration screen provides a full list of documentation that needs to be provided. The documentation required varies depending on the classification of the user, for example, a Private individual needs to present proof of identity, proof of address (utility bills), photo and proof of ownership. An Agent however will require all the documents listed for a Private individual plus their certificate of incorporation, and VAT certificate (if applicable).
desherBari also has a built-in property management function through which authorised users may set-up tenants, landlords, and properties under management. They can select from a list of reference types to be checked prior to the initiation of any tenancy agreements. Clients can select from a list of pre-defined payment collection types that are necessary to run a property management function adequately. They can record all references received, record payments made or received, generate draft tenancy agreements, renewal agreements, and various notices. The application has the facility to generate rent due reminders and overdue payment notices automatically. It can provide financial statements showing all inflows and outflows within specified start and end dates with respect to tenants, landlords or agent. This property management function can benefit both an ordinary user and an experienced agent. It provides structure and enables documents related to any property management engagement to be recorded and reproduced as and when necessary, with ease.
desherBari 1.11