关于Puzzle Impossible
Puzzle Impossible is a unique game that will challenge you to complete puzzles and challenges in the real world by using your phone/device. What makes it impossible? Well, for starters, you only get 3 chances. If you want more chances, you will need to buy them. What else? Well, do you think you could run a seven-minute mile? How about a three-minute mile? Puzzle Impossible will challenge you physically and mentally (and sometimes even socially).
Do you think you have what it takes? Come and prove it. Share your results on your favorite social media network and even compare your results with the Puzzle Impossible community.
Your Puzzle, should you choose to accept it.....
Puzzle Impossible is a game of challenges that may require physical activity to be completed.
By playing I acknowledge that I am playing entirely at my own risk.
I understand and agree that in no event shall the app creator or anyone else be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages or injuries to me or my property.
- More puzzles are available initially.
Version 1.5
- Minor feature improvements.
Version 1.4
- Bug fixes
First release.