Good Samaritan's Volunteer and Donor App
The app is designed to help GoodSamaritan volunteers sign up for volunteer opportunities, contact GoodSamaritan, and checkout the GoodSamaritan Instagram. Good Samaritan is a San Francisco non-profit that helps immigrants and lower-income individuals in the Bay View. First, the user can log in or sign up. After signing up, the app has five different options. The first is to look at Instagram, which is kept up to date through the API. The second is to contact the organization, which sets up a new object in firebase and triggers an email. The third is to check out volunteer opportunities that are kept up to date through a google sheet API. The volunteer section is able to remember the events the user is attending as well as sign up the user for new events through firebase. The fourth aspect is the donate page, which I have linked from the website so that users can donate inside the app. Finally, there is a working settings section, which basically allows users to update their information.