धूम्रपान जोखिम संवर्धित वास्तविकता प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग कर जागरूकता
Smoking Risks Awareness (Smoke-Not-King) Board Game is one of the board games created to increase the development of knowledge and information especially among communities. As addition, Smoke-Not-King emphasizes more about smoking awareness and the recommended solutions on quitting smoking. The Acts, fines and campaigns are provided in the form of games in this product that can make players are more likely to remember and thus influence good attitudes in avoiding smoking, especially to children and teenagers. This product has good potential in ensuring that smoking risk awareness can be delivered indirectly in the form of a fun game. With low cost, players can get information while also change the perspectives on smoking risks awareness and consequently affecting their own attitudes.