documenting wrongdoing and identifying bad people anonymously
The purpose of Infamy is to raise awareness about unethical individuals. If I can save just one person from the pain of being heartbroken, conned, lied to , stolen from, etc. this app will have done it's job. Over the course of my life I've had everything from my phone stolen to a dentist lying about the number of cavities I had by a factor of 4. I'm sure many of you have had similar things done to you or even worse. There are plenty of monsters out here and this app was designed to provide a defense against them. A heads up before it's too late. When I first started developing this app the name was Skeletons in the Closet which perfectly describes what I want it to be, a record of the given person's trail of tears, carved in stone for all of time. Other suitable names would have been Notoriety, Disrepute, and Expose. If a tree falls in the woods and no one's around to hear it, did it even happen? Similarly, if someone hurts you and you don't tell the world about it, how are we to save the next unsuspecting victim?