RujulERP 정보
실시간 RujulERP 대시 보드
Real-time RujulERP Dashboards helps you to keep Bird-eye view on your multi-location business from the mobile app. It’s helps to take faster decisions, improves productivity and in-turn generates profits in a SMARTER way on the finger-tips.
Key features
- Business Snapshot displays Today’s, Yesterday's and Month-to-date sales figures; Open Order and Quotations; Sales comparison between This Week vs. Last Week ; workflow Approvals and To-Do List.
- Sales Dashboard having widgets like Sales by the Customer Category, Item Category & Sales Executive etc.
- Purchase Dashboard displays Supplier-wise Pending Purchase Orders
- Service Dashboard displays Monthly Service Revenues from multiples Branches and respective Vehicle Models.
- Finance Dashboard displays Ageing Receivable & Payable, Top Payable in Next 7 Days and Monthly Expenses spent on each Category
- Lead Dashboard displays Monthly Lead Trend, cumulative Open Leads and Lead Conversions.
- Customer Creation , IB Creation , Assigned Services , JobOrder Creation and Punch-In & Punch Out of Vehicle For Service
Your feedback are most welcome; so don't hesitate to share your feedback with us and we'll keep improving our services.
What's new in the latest
2. Performance Improvement
3. New Enhancement