Kung Fu to samoobrona sztuki walki
""" The Meaning of Kung Fu The words Kung Fu don't mean military craftsmanship. Rather, they talk about ability created through much time and exertion. In this manner, one who has given many hears towards getting the hang of, executing and refining an exchange or ability, (for example, cooking or blade making), can be said to rehearse Kung Fu. The best possible term for Martial Art in Chinese is Wu Shu (battling workmanship). Be that as it may, in the vast majority of the world today, Kung Fu is utilized as a non specific term for Chinese Martial Arts or activities. Styles instructed at Wing Lam Kung Fu Following are the portrayals of the different military styles instructed at the Wing Lam Kung Fu School. Hung Gar - With an emphasis on profound position preparing and press hard strikes and obstructs, the Hung style was appropriate for battling on pontoons and wet ground. Today, its procedures are still suprisingly proper and viable. Northern Shaolin - Long range strategy and streaming, round developments describe this style from the sanctuary. Wrecking kicks supplement the effective strikes and productive pieces. Taijiquan - Also spelled Tai Chi Chuan, this inside style concentrates on vitality advancement and """"delicate"""" power. The strikes have been compared to """"press wrapped in cotton"""". Two styles are educated at Wing Lam Kung Fu: Yang Style and Sun Style Taijiquan Xing Yi - Succinct and prudent, professionals center the whole body and brain in this inner style. Straight development joins with a Yang outside and a Yin inside. Bagua - Energy centered like a wire work ball, the bagua frame is smooth, round and facilitated. With development impersonating the Taoist Bagua image of the I-Ching (Book of), a pratitioner ready to quickly change bearings to avoid the adversary while utilizing the hands to divert the rival from destroying kicks and tosses. """