Gra edukacyjna i użytecznym źródłem nauczania dla nauczycieli, rodziców i uczniów
A number line is a way we can visually represent numbers. In this game we have numbered lines from 0 up to 160 (0-20,20-40,40-60,60-80 in one display and 80-100,100-120,120-140,140-160 in one display) Every time game chooses by using random choice the workspace (0-80 or 80-160) afterwards the game by using random choice chooses four numbers. The pupil by using the arrows in display must drive the black line into the appropriate place on number line according to the chosen number. The time for this work is 150 Sec. If the pupil place on right place the black line takes one point. In the end the funny teacher announce the grade. This is a useful teaching resource for students Parents and Teachers.