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A simple one-touch dialing app. You can save battery light and compact because it does not reside. 40 dialed can be registered from the phone book. Enter number to be set up to automatically do work or outgoing. Font size, line spacing, you can change settings. 5 switching tabs. Reviews can be 8 × 40 5 tab. In Japan, other countries will be displayed in English, Japanese. We've been allowed to add applications to maintain ad ※. Has been added for the privilege. Click thank you good. [Changes] 2.2.5, font size, can be set up even bigger. The height of the row can be set up even bigger. 2.3.0 to 2.2.6 fails to improve the group name can be. 2.3.5 to 2.3.4 defect improvement can select a background color.