Electrostatics Interactive e-Book for IIT-JEE & other Competitive Exams.
Board: CBSE, GSEB, ICSE, ISC, International Board, Cambridge
Class: 11th - 12th Students, Engineering Students and Medical Students.
Physics (AIEEE, IIT-JEE Main) Electrostatics Interactive e-Book Education application
Electric Charge
Coulomb’s Law
Principle of Superposition
Electric Potential
Unit and Dimensional Formula
Bending of charged rod
Charged cylinder
Charged Conducting sphere (or shell of charge)
Uniformly charged non-conducting sphere
Infinite thin plane sheet of charge
Electric field due to two thin infinite plane parallel sheet of charge
Hemispherical charged body
Potential Due to Concentric Spheres
Relation between Electric Field and Potential
Electric Lines of Force
Motion of Charge Particle in Electric Field
Equilibrium of Charges
Time Period of Oscillation of a Charged Body
Spring mass system
Neutral Point and Zero Potential
Electrostatic Potential Energy
Equilibrium of Charged Soap Bubble