關於Face Warp
warping face moves to the next level through live video recording. Make funny videos masquerade as strange or strange. Direct Face Tracking Keep the warp filter in place while talking or moving your face.
Warp Face
Phto Editor
Face Warp
Face Warping
Photo Warp
Effets du visage
photo editeur
Face Swap
Photo Editor
Face Swap
Face warp features.
- Can make larger or smaller. (eye, nose, mouth, eyebrow, face line, etc..)
- Face morphing
- Can move individual face points.
- Easily share
Face warp 2
Warp, morph, switch your face!
With this app, your face will be more beautiful, cute and funny.
- Support various template.
Face warp - virtual plastic surgery
Warp, morph, switch your face!
With this app, your face will be more beautiful, cute and funny.
Face Warp 2
Face Warp
Face warp features.
- Can make larger or smaller. (eye, nose, mouth, eyebrow, face line, etc..)
- Face morphing
Face Warp
- Can move individual face points.
- Easily share
- Support various template.
Face Warp
How to :
- Select photo or image for warp.
- Automatic face detection
- If not automatically detected, you can be manually adjusted.
- Use the template or manually warp.
- Change your face! You are face changer!
How to :
- Select photo or image for warp.
- Automatic face detection
- If not automatically detected, you can be manually adjusted.
- Use the template or manually warp.
- Change your face! You are face changer!
- Fix bugs and improve features.
-New Fonctions Face Warp