關於Psychiatric Mental Health Nurs
Get the world best learning app ever developed with all the features that you need and more than you imagine.
This app is a combination of sets, containing practice questions, MCQs, terms & concepts for self learning & exam preparation on the topic of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing.
It contains at least 61 study notes quiz sets & 8500 Flashcards.
It covers the following subject areas:
1- Psychiatric Nursing Theory, Principles & Trends
2- Nursing Practice in Clinical Setting
3- Nursing Process & Standards of Practice
4- Therapeutic Communication: Interviews & Interventions
5- Adaptation to Stress
6- Neurobiology in Mental Health & Mental disorders
7- Human Development across the life span
8- Culture, Ethnicity & Spirituality
9- Legal & Ethical aspects in clinical practice
10- Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders
11- Somatoform, Factitious & Dissociative Disorders
12- Mood Disorders (Depression, Bipolar & Adjustment Disorders)
13- Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders
14- Personality Disorders
15- Substance related Disorders & Addictive Behaviours
16- Cognitive Disorders ( Delirium, Dementia & Amnestic Disorders)
17- Eating Disorders ( Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa)
18- Sleep Disorders ( Dyssomnias & Parasomnias)
19- Sexual Disorders ( Sexual Dysfunction & Paraphilias)
20- Crisis Theory & Intervention
21- Suicide Prevention & intervention
22- Violence: Anger, Abuse & Aggression
23- Forensic Nursing
24- Psychopharmacology
25- Therapies: Theory & Clinical Practice
26- Complementary & Alternative Therapies
27- Grief: in Loss & Death
28- Community Mental Health
Main Features:
- Works perfectly Offline, you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere.
- Six study Modes (learning mode, handout mode, test mode with MCQs, slideshow mode, random mode & Game Memory mode)
- Text to Speech (Listen to the flashcards while you are ridding, jogging or driving).
- Sort your flashcards by topic.
- Search flashcards by key words.
- Select your favorite flashcards & Flag for review the most difficult.
- Add & save your own flashcards.
- Edit & replace existing flashcards.
- Add your comment to any flashcard keep seeing them with.
- Get back to your last study session, exactly to the last flashcard studied including the study mode.
- Full dashboard to monitor your progress.
- In-depth statistics of your performance that shows your strongest & weakest areas.
- Share your best study notes.
- Exam taking tips & tricks which offers you an efficient & quick way to more effectively prepare for & take multiple-choice tests.
You will be amazed by the number of facilities that we added to this App.
This app is suitable for students, researchers, resident, doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists, nurses & medical professionals & of course Medical lecturers, teachers & professors.
Invest in your Success Now. Your investment in knowledge, professionalism & expertise is the real & best capital & assets that you own.