Uma Goyal Universidade P Shimla
APG Shimla is a non-profit charitable organization which helps to mobilize the world-class education that helps to generate the resources. Its mission is to provide energetic and complete education for a medium of change. APG supports the students in experiments to increase their knowledge. It promotes the “Learn in India” through international exchanges, collaborations and curriculum. It is striving to achieve their goals and trust’s two hundred crore rupee investments is just the first phase in their long-term commitment to the dissemination of knowledge. Its aim is not only to provide education to the students but also convert them into an innovative entrepreneur and social worker. It assists in building a link between assurance and support from many leading business houses to promote the quality of education. APG Shimla is a centre of qualified education, academic resources and academic excellence in the world. In order to achieve its goals, it has entered into MoU’s with premier educational institutes around the world. It consists of foreign faculty to give the students a truly global experience.