Balões pop recheado com confetes, fogos de artifício, doces, ou um pop flash. Diverta-se!
Whether you want to pop balloons stuffed with confetti, fireworks, candy, or just a flash pop, you can now do all of that and more on Balloon Pop. Enjoy popping your way to a new personal best or just casually passing the time while on the go. Pop red, blue, green, purple, orange or yellow balloons just don’t pop a bomb and explode 15 points from your total score. Balloon Pop is an endless game of balloon popping fun! No timer that counts down on your game play just an endless amount of more and more balloons to rake up as many points as possible before 20 balloons are missed. Have fun, relax, and enjoy causally popping your way to the sky! Ad-Interference Free meaning no ads shown during gameplay and Specialty Permission Free meaning no special permissions are required to download the app.