Provides easy instructions to properly “Stop the Bleed” in an emergency.
This application is a mobile app that provides the user quick and easy instructions on how to properly “Stop the Bleed”. This app was designed from the “Stop the Bleed” campaign that teaches people how to properly stop bleeding that is potentially life threatening. If there is ever an instance that we have to try and save a life, thinking properly and remembering minimal training can be a problem. This app walks you through, step-by-step, to make it easy to understand how to properly stop the bleeding for the victim. With this app you will first identify if you have a “Stop the Bleed” kit. Then you will specify where the injury has occurred. Next, it walks us through a step-by-step instruction to stop the bleed, based on whether we have a bleeding control kit or not. Another feature on this app is the easy access to websites that sell bleeding control kits. It is important to remember to familiarize yourself with the app before attempting to use it in a real-life situation.