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Islands in the Stream is a novel by Ernest Hemingway, written in 1950-1951, edited and published by his widow Mary Welsh Hemingway after his death in 1970. The Islands in the Stream novel was conceived as a writer's response to critics' negative reviews of the novel “Beyond the River, in the Shade of Trees”. Hemingway began writing the “marine trilogy” in early 1950 and wrote the bulk of the novel in 1951. The manuscript of the novel in draft, but almost complete version was found by the fourth wife of the writer Mary Welsh Hemingway among 332 other works by Hemingway after his death. The islands in the ocean in three parts cover different periods of the life of their main character - Thomas Hudson. At first these three parts were named by the author “The sea when young”, “The sea when absent” and “The sea when lived”. However, these names were changed by the author to “Bimini”, “Cuba” and “Into the Sea”. Then he wrote the story Sea-Chase that was not published during his lifetime. Mary Welsh Hemingway edited and combined all these materials with other stories about the islands, named Islands in the Stream and published, Hemingway himself and his sons are easily recognizable in the family. Age and appearance, the number of marriages and children, occupation - in “Ham” and Hudson completely coincide. Patrick - the middle son of Hemingway, in his book “Islands in the Ocean: Memories of a Son” describes the same stories that are written in the novel of his father. The search for German submarines and the cooperation of Hemingway-Hudson with the American authorities also coincide. Even the nicknames, habits and color of cats in the novel Islands in the Stream and the life of Hemingway are the same.