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Shamshad TV broadcasts opinions, ideas and suggestions of different socio-economical points to improve national and cultural dialogues. Shamshad TV broadcast program about the reconstruction, national reconciliation, human rights, civil society, and role of the tribal community in Afghanistan. Shamshad TV tries to give constructive suggestions about economic and social issues to the government. Shamshad TV tries to raise awareness on democracy, socio-cultural issues, human rights, and national/ international values among youth and new generations. Youth mental rehabilitation, development of their talent, so that they can enjoy peaceful life. The other objective of Shamshad TV is to introduce and facilitate the transfer of new technology and science to be incorporated for educating Afghan youth. Shamshad TV provides coverage to the most suppressed and neglected segments i.e. women to uplift their living standards, provide them a platform to raise their voice and tie them with the new era of technology in order to enable them to compete in every field of life and work shoulder to shoulder with men to lead Afghanistan to development and prosperity. Shamshad TV produces different talk shows to encourage different schools of thought for expressing their ideologies and will also provide an opportunity to the viewers to examine the accountability of the government and political bodies Shamshad TV strives to establish a good relationship and cooperation with national and international media and news agencies by exchanging information.