Uma sala de aula digital para os graduados em Ciências Ambientais.
The Green Thinkers Academy is an initiative of Hariharpur Friends of Environment organization. Organization of Environmental Science degree holders in India. A digital Classroom to the Environmental Science Degree holders to Store, index, Preserve, Distribute, and Share the digital learning resources developed by the community of Environmental Science Degree holders. Concept and approaches of environmental sciences are applicable in many areas of development. These areas are studied as the scope of the topic. Environmental science features an immense scope since it covers a large variety of issues or problems associated with our complicated life-supporting system. The scope of the subject in terms of career opportunities is huge. For the last twenty years, environmental science has been thought of to be associated with a variety of career opportunities. The content and its quality is the key component of the education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in Environmental Science. The Subject experts, Research Scholars and Students of Environmental Science across the country, have developed the questionnaires and Study materials. We mainly focus on the Short type questions and MCQ’s for the competitive examinations like NTA NET, Entrance Examination of Various Universities, general quiz related to Environmental Science and Studies.