Tenho lutado com sucesso em Sinistros Veterano desde 1991.
My name is Tom and I have been successfully fighting for Veteran Claims since 1991. I am familiar with Veteran Claims laws and regulations and have used them to win claims for myself and friends. I also know where to find records information from your service and from the units you were assigned too. The correct interpretation of VA procedures and use of unit records, are what have made me so successful. Contact (or text) me at 520-266-9148 for assistance. Also, you can email me at
[email protected]. I do not charge for my services. If you have already been denied for Veteran Claims, the V.A. has provided you with the information that I will use to get you your benefits. You are the most important person in the World to me and you are my best evidence. Your doctor is the second most important person involved in the Veteran Claims process. Veterans Administration Regulations provide the criteria that the V.A. uses to approve you for benefits so, if your doctor will cooperate, medical evidence we provide in the appeal will match their criteria to the tee. Contact (or text) me at 520-266-9148 for more information. You can also email me at
[email protected]. Your information is guaranteed safe with me. I will not share it with anyone, even for Veteran Claims, without your approval. I have the latest, greatest, most up-to-datest, Internet security programs. I have hired some hackers to hack into my system and, once they did, they showed me how to block them. For assistance with your Veteran Claims, contact (or text) me at 520-266-9148 or email me at
[email protected]. I do not charge for my services. If, for some reason, the appeal I help you prepare is denied, the process is not over with. There is a Veterans Claims Review Board in Washington, D.C. They are usually fairer than the Regional Offices are in that they will only look at the information we have provided and make a decision based only on that. Since your appeal is exactly what is required by Veteran Claims Regulations, you will win this appeal. For assistance with your Veteran Claims, contact (or text) me at 520-266-9148 or email me at
[email protected]. I do not charge for my services.