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With Viadmade mp3 Converter now you can easily extract audio from your video files. Simple process just tap select video to select video file and then tap convert to extract the audio in mp3 format.Advanced vidmat . Converter features :1. Bitrate: 8Kbit/s, 16Kbit/s, 24Kbit/s, 32Kbit/s, 64Kbit/s, 128Kbit/s, 192Kbit/s, 256Kbit/s.2. Option to update ID3 tags / meta information on the extracted mp3 files (title, album, artist)3. Supports various types of videos (3GP, FLV, MP4 and so on)4. Supports various types of audio (MP3, AAC)5. External SD support with vidmat** Supports only ARMv7 and higher.vidmat Video to MP3 use LGPL ffmpeg and libmp3lame libraries as codec.---- Disclaimer ----This app is not a youtube downloader. this app only extract audio from video files.