Barter Waren und Dienstleistungen einfach mit BarterApp!
One man's trash is another man's treasure. This is one part of the premise that is behind BarterApp. You no longer need to throw away your old stuff. Now, we make it easy for you to exchange them for other stuff that you like. BarterApp does all the hard work of matching users who share common interests. Simply like a good or service that someone is offering and if that person likes something of equal value that you are offering, a match is made and an email is sent to both parties. BarterApp is bringing back the old tried and tested way of bartering goods and services and making it new again. The best part is that bartering via BarterApp is completely free and costs you nothing. It doesn't cost you anything to list ads and we don't take a cut whenever an exchange is made. Don't pay, just barter! Open an account and start bartering today!