Diese App wird verwendet, Autofirmen zu finden, indem das Bild des Auto-Logo mit
This App is used for finding car companies using their logos. This App uses Watson Visual Recognition Api. When you press the button "photo" the camera screen appears at the screen.(Please set camera resolution to 2M for best performance). When You take a good shot, the picture gets uploaded to Watson and the AI finds the most similar logo and sends the value back to our app. Please view sample photos to see how you should take the photo. Due to lack of samples, this app can only determine between 14 car companies at the moment: Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Kia, Hyundai, Chevorlet, Genesis, Honda, Lexus, Equus, Oprius, Samsung, Ssangyong, Toyota, and Volkswagon. I will work on adding more companies in the future!