EducART 3D ist eine Augmented-Reality-App für Schüler und Pädagogen
EducART 3D is an entry-level Augmented Reality tool from Appearition that enables students to explore and interact with 5 example 3D-objects. It is intended to illustrate the use of AR tools in the teaching environment. EducART 3D is simple and easy to use with a smartphone or tablet. It uses the camera to scan a target marker which triggers a virtual AR experience of a 3D-model. The student can then interact with the 3D-model using icons that appear as part of the AR experience, or simply move the target marker around to view the 3D-model from all angles. The example 3D-models include a building to illustrate the architectural design, as well as models of a human brain, an internal combustion engine, a human eye and a world map with an example point of interest.