Genießen Sie Ihr Geethayen Geethaya-Spiel, indem Sie die Liedtexte referenzieren
Geethayen Geethaya app is consist of lyrics of 10000+ songs with more than 300+ artists. This app is mainly created for people who are doing geethayen geethaya game. So, the user can enter the starting letter of the song in this app and search the songs. Other than search by letter user also can search by artists name or song name. This app is very useful to sing Sinhala songs by referring to the lyrics without any mistakes. If you are using this app on the game, you cannot be beaten. Other than using this app on the game occasion you can use this app ongoing trips and another journey. Don’t be feel boring if you are using this app. In order to use this app, you must have to turn on mobile data or Wi-Fi.