Assalamu Alaikum, in the national security perspective private security agency plays vital roles towards static installations and institutions. Bangladesh being a fast growing country, the industries, financial other contributing institutions need intimate supports of private security organizations. As such as good as more than 500 security service agencies have taken birth in the country. Shohag Logistics & Security Services Ltd has incepted in 23 years back in 1996 in Dhaka EPZ. By now it has expanded its roots out of Dhaka and ready to expand it further in any area of our country. By now we have more than 1000 security personnel expended in Dhaka, Gazipur, Tagail and Noshindhi area. We have modern Head and Corporate office administered by experienced civ -military professionals. The company is organized with strong operation and administrative set up with 24 hours supervision and monitoring system, has a standard training academy for security guards. Daily day and night patrolling, minute to minute digital reporting and monitoring and on line dossier maintenance are our strong tools to take care of clients’ interests. We instill trust into the heart of clients through very intimate support, visit by senior staff, taking prompt actions as per desire of clients. We ensure a good administration towards our under commands through a proven system and care of client’s trust on us. I’m sure you will not be unhappy selecting us. May Almighty bless all for us.