Ndebele Bibel (isiNdebele Bibel).
Ndebele Bible isiNdebele Southern Bible FREE. Complete bible with old testament and new testament including daily devotionals, verse, quotes and prayers. This android application is free for download and better work online but some sections of the bible can be used offline. Southern Ndebele (English: /ɛndəˈbiːliː/), also known as Transvaal Ndebele, isiNdebele, Ndebele or South Ndebele, is an African language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, spoken by the Ndebele people of South Africa and Zimbawe. Northern Ndebele (English: /ɛndəˈbiːliː/), also called Sindebele, Zimbabwean Ndebele or North Ndebele, and formerly known as Matabele, is an African language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, spoken by the Northern Ndebele people, or Matabele, of Zimbabwe. Northern Ndebele is related to the Zulu language, spoken in South Africa.