Lehrer Witze ist hier, um Ihnen das Lachen zu bringen und ein paar lustige Erinnerungen zurückbringen.
This application "Teacher Jokes" is for students, teachers, and people who need to take a break from serious aducational topics and have a little laugh. It is going to bring humour to your home, class, school, or any other environment. It is basically a collection of hillarious and witty jokes about teacher student interactions. In fact, many of you may relate to some of its situations. It will probably bring back some old school memories to some. Be that as it may, Teacher Jokes is also a fun way to learn some English vocabulary items for non-english speakers. It can also help them discover how English humour is generated in educational environments. As to teachers, well this is all about their day to day experiences and moments they share with their beloved students. Enjoy folks!!!