Ein wahnsinnig süchtig machendes Jump-Spiel zum Gekritzel und zur unendlichen Spitze
Get ready for an insanely addictive game in this infinite fun installment. Jump your way to the top, grabbing coins, treasure, and even trampolines on the way! Use the springs to mega rocket yourself through the spikes, but make sure to keep swerving around them and this game will be a replayable infinite breeze. In this game your worst enemy is the trippy monstrous tentacle baddie, and she is perpetually angry, you have been warned! She was drawn as a doodle and scribbled, but don't let that deceive you as she is out to get you! Use your jump ability to space yourself around her and jump past her. The multiple trampolines can make you dizzy but they are wildly fun to bounce around and smash. There are multiple characters to purchase from the store. Use your mega rocket skills and packs to bounce your way to the top in this insanely addictive game, may the monstrous monster never get you!