Mit dem Neuen, dem Bekannten und den Legenden der Country-Musik!
It's the New, the Known and the Legends of country music - all on one station! Your Country 105.3 FM KZZX has the perfect way to start off your weekday mornings! It's "The Giddyup & Go Show with Double J & Jen" and they offer something for their audience each and every day! Features like "Fresh Off The Farm" new music Wednesdays, the "Krazy Food Koncoction" on Thursdays or the always entertaining "Are You Smarter Than Jennifer Rhodes" trivia contest on Fridays! Clay Thomas keeps you company in the middle of your workday with his down-home humor plus Rhonda takes you home weekday afternoons. Special weekend programming too! All on one station! So kick back and put your boots up! It's YOUR Country, 105.3 FM KZZX! Yeehaw!