Conditions for Acceptable Repentance - Will the repentance of the adulterer be accepted?
It is from the mercy of God Almighty to man that he makes the door of repentance open to him for a long life and at all times and whenever a person intends to do so, and the human soul is built on lusts and desires that may deviate him from the right path. Therefore, God Almighty enjoined repentance on man and encouraged him to do so, so that man does not despair and despair and thinks that there is no refuge in God, that there is no way to return if he falls into sin or persists with it. Where God Almighty said, giving hope to the people of disobedience and sins and the people who multiply them: (Say: O My servants who transgressed against themselves, do not despair of God’s mercy. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful), and that was a call from God - the Mighty and Sublime - to the people of sins and taboos, whoever they are. Its form is that they approach God Almighty with repentance and forgiveness. As God Almighty included the repentant with His mercy and forgiveness, and it was mentioned in the hadiths of the Prophet as well that heralds the inclusion of the repentance of God - the Almighty - for those who repent. Secondly, to him, and if he was given a second, he would love to him a third, and nothing fills the stomach of the son of Adam except dust, and God accepts the repentance of those who repent.)