Learning media that studies hijaiyah letters
The BELMANDIYAH application (Independent Learning of Hijaiyah Signs), is an application for independent learning of Hijaiyah Signs for beginners. This application is specifically for Deaf children to learn independently to recognize Hijaiyah letters in a relaxed manner and is easy to install and use on cellphone/mobile devices which can be downloaded via Playstore. This application has a feature for learning Hijaiyah letters with animation, and an attractive design for learning for deaf children. Apart from that, this application is equipped with sound and to make it easier to master the material, it is equipped with a video introducing the Hijaiyah letters. After learning to use the Belmandiyah application, to measure success in mastering the Hijaiyah letters, a posttest feature is provided in the form of a Hijaiyah letter guessing game, if the user can guess all the Hijaiyah letters, they will be given the highest score of 100.