Digital Signature Creator - Signature Maker
5.0 and up
Android OS
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Digital Signature Creator - Signature Maker
Digital Signature Creator - Signature Maker has very simple user interface for creator signature and auto signature needs.
This maker signature , name signature , add signature have sign easy options in order to save your time for waiver signature and sign creator options.
- Create your own digital signature
- Rotate on Signature to adjust angle of Signature
- Background image from Gallery
- Fancy and stylish signature maker fonts
- Multiple color pickers for text and background
- Simple and Functional Signature creator
- Share your signature with friends and family
Digital Signature Creator - Signature Maker have a special feature known as signature filler that can helpful for watermark signature and email signature .
Digital Signature Creator - Signature Maker offers many useful options such as signature contract for autograph and signature stamp if you don't have a pen. So can be use as autographer for it signature and electronic signature feature .
This is the best e-signature and document sign electronic signature software app for sign easy purposes.
Novedades más recientes 1.1
Información de Digital Signature Creator - Signature Maker APK
Alternativa de Digital Signature Creator - Signature Maker
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