La Escuela Secundaria del Sagrado Corazón es una de las principales instituciones educativas de Inglés.
Sacred Heart Convent Senior Secondary School is a premier English Medium educational institution situated at Aligarh, G. T. Road, Jagraon, Ludhiana, Punjab. It is a Christian Minority Educational Institution run by the Sisters of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus under the Catholic Diocese of Jalandhar. The Society of Sacred Heart Congregation is registered under the Society’s Registration Act of 1985-86 vide Registration No. 228. The school had its humble beginning in 1990 in a rented building and later on in 1991 the School was shifted to the present accommodation having its own building with a large picturesque campus of evergreen environment. The construction has been carried out keeping in mind the advancement of educational technology and innovations ensuring all possible amenities and facilities of international standards required for the pupils.