TubeMate Video Downloader

Devian Hong
  • 8.2

    78 Reseñas

  • 24.4 MB

    Tamaño de archivo

  • Android 4.1+

    Android OS

Acerca del TubeMate Video Downloader

TubeMate es una app para descargar vídeos de YouTube más rápida y famosa.

TubeMate 3 is the third official version of one of the best apps when it comes to downloading YouTube videos onto your Android. Thanks to this app you can store all your favorite YouTube videos locally onto your device memory and watch them later on at your leisure without an Internet connection.

Using your app is as simple as accessing the video of your choice through the in-app browser. From there a quick tap on the arrow located at the bottom of your screen. Next step: select factors like resolution and video quality. Your options are: 1920x1080, 1280x720, 640x360, 176x144, etc. Plus you designate which file format you want for your videos: MP4, MP3, WEBM, OGG, etc.

Downloaded videos are stored by default onto your smartphone, but you can also download them directly onto your SD card. Definitively TubeMate 3 is a downloader tool that's really easy to use and has the added appeal of allowing you to download any video file off of YouTube within seconds. This third version of the app also has a very elegant interface that's a major improvement on earlier versions.

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Información de TubeMate Video Downloader APK

Última Versión
Android OS
Android 4.1+
Tamaño de archivo
24.4 MB
Devian Hong
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