La mejor variedad de aciertos y Oldies
The Best Variety of Hits and Oldies, WIMX Mix 95.7 with The Fly Jock Tom Joyner Sybil & Jay M-F 6am-10am, Brandi Browne in the Midday M-F 10am-3pm & Sat 12n-6p, The DL Hughley Show M-F 3pm-7pm, The Sweat Hotel with Keith Sweat Sun-Fri 7p-12a. Tom Joyner Right Backatcha Sat 7a-9a, The Saturday Blues Party Sat 9a-12n, Old School Mix 10p-12a, Larry Whatley Urban Beat 6a-6:30a Sun, Dommie McClurkin Sun 8a-10a, Walt Baby Love Sun 10a-1p, Once Upon A Time In Soul Sun 1p-5p. For live streaming please visit our website at, like us on and follow us on twitter/wimxmix957. Mix 95.7/Toledo's Adult choice for Hits and Oldies.