Indus Battle Royale

Indus Battle Royale

AC Fun Games
  • 3.6

    22 بررسی ها

  • 113.1 MB

    اندازه فایل

  • Android 5.1+

    Android OS

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درباره‌ی Indus Battle Royale

Indus Battle Royale offers the most intense multiplayer battles on your mobile!

Indus Battle Royale has the highest fidelity items and gameplay experience. Indus Battle Royale Game is Like SIGMA FF can fulfill any wish you might have. Choose from countless firearms and test your marksmanship. New items, maps, and modes are constantly added to the game.

Indus Battle Royale offers the most intense multiplayer battles on your mobile phone. Join the battle, gear up, and play to win. Survive in epic 100-player battles in Classic Mode, Payload, fast-paced 4v4 Arena battles, and Infection Mode. SIGMA Survival is all that matters. Be the last one standing. Accept missions and fire at will!

Drop onto the mysterious island of Virlok on the fabled planet, Indus. Your mission is to survive and portal out with the coveted element, Cosmium. You will find and use unique weapons, gear, and consumables to fight in an ever-shrinking battleground while navigating this brand-new universe

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  • برنامه‌نما Indus Battle Royale عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Indus Battle Royale عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Indus Battle Royale عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Indus Battle Royale عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Indus Battle Royale عکس از صفحه
  • برنامه‌نما Indus Battle Royale عکس از صفحه
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