Axé sur l'accessibilité des soins primaires pour bien-être, aiguë et les maladies chroniques.
Imagine a different kind of health care—you make a same day appointment with an actual person; if you’re very sick, you’re told to come right in; you arrive for your appointment, your wait is minimal because there aren’t two or three people scheduled for the same time slot; the actual health provider takes you to the exam room and assesses you personally. If you need a prescription, it will be appropriate and affordable. Best of all, you won’t be shocked by the cost, because charges are known in advance and based on actual time spent with your provider. Get Well Health Clinic is staffed by Practitioners trained in primary healthcare. We limit our scope of practice to those common conditions, in patients 2 years and older, that can be diagnosed and treated with only a few simple tests, and in a short period of time. This allows the Walk-in Clinic to avoid much of the overhead costs that other facilities incur.