La Humita was founded in 2003 . The Correa brothers are three Ecuadorians that came to the United States with a dream to provide a better life for themselves and their family. They discovered that through hard work and dedication this country afforded them many opportunities. They quickly adapted to this land's customs and traditions, but always maintained their Ecuadorian customs. Something that all three siblings missed from their native Ecuador was the cuisine. During the early nineties it was difficult to find good Latin food, as there were only a handful of South American restaurants in the Chicago area. The Correas began by opening a restaurant, which served a few typical Ecuadorian dishes. Slowly, they introduced more dishes to the menu. Soon, their selection of appetizers, entrees, desserts and drinks was extensive. Nowadays, La Humita presents their customers with a wide variety of the most exotic and authentic Ecuadorian cuisine.