The NKJV translation has become one of the best-selling Bibles.
The NKJV translation has become one of the best-selling Bibles. As of July 2012 it is the third best-selling Bible in the United States, after the NIV and KJV. In the NKJV Bible app you have Old Testament and the New Testament, you have acces to a daily prayer, Bible messages and a special section with encouragements for every day to learn and practice the God words. Each day includes a short prayer and accompanying scripture that will inspire and challenge all people to trust in God and His plans for them. If you struggle with being negative, critical, or judgmental of people and situations, don't be discouraged. God wants to help you renew your mind to think and speak as He would. It won't happen overnight--but each day you will make progress as you choose power thoughts to be more like Jesus. You can do all that if you install our app free!