En tant que salarié, trouvez l'emploi qui correspond parfaitement à vos compétences et à votre employeur
As an employee, find the job that perfectly suits your skills, and as an employer, find proven and competent professionals faster. You can contact each other directly and rate each other after employment. Look at company reviews that other employees have submitted and apply for assignments in a good working environment. Build a good reputation as a professional to get more job inquiries. Employers can conveniently post their job openings online anytime from anywhere and search the pool of workers. Employees create a profile, upload their CV and apply directly to their desired positions. The search function allows filtering by location, work area, company, or by specific job titles. Whether in Switzerland or abroad, temporary or permanent - if there is a match between applicant and company, we take care of all the administration. So you can both concentrate fully on your work!