Skywars Hypixel is a pvp map for Minecraft situated high up in the sky
Skywars Hypixel is a pvp map for Minecraft situated high up in the sky. There are more than ten different floating Minecraft islands which means there are plenty of room for many players to be playing at once competing against each other.Each player or team spawns on its own island and the aim is to be the last MCPE player or team. Winning players using a weapon or knock them off in the Skywars Hypixel map for Minecraft. With each victory you will be rewarded with a soul. You can use souls to unlock many kits and perks to improve your MCPE game experience.SkyWars Hypixel map for Minecraft is a PvP map where at least one player per team is required, but it’s recommended to be more, e.g. 3 players per MCPE team. The objective is to attack the other team and try to steal what’s found in the chests on the opponent team’s side.