Vous dire si vous aurez à travailler / retour à la maison à l'heure
Traffic Alarm Clock was written to get us to work on time! We all have smart phones that we can use as SatNav devices but when you are travelling to the same place each day you get into a routine of not turning it on, then find out you are straight into a traffic problem that you could have navigated around if you had known up front. Traffic Alarm Clock tells you how long it will take you to go from A to B at certain times of the day and certain days of the week. It uses Google maps to find out any traffic delays and then notifies you in a variety of ways. If you have Text To Speech installed on your Android device you can have your phone speak out the current traffic conditions for your journey, or maybe just a ringtone. We tend to use the notifications most in the office but it's up to you!