Vous êtes amoureux, mais vous n'êtes pas sûr qu'il ou elle vous aime en retour ?
The True Love Calculator is a love test that measures the levels of commitment and attraction in a relationship. It is designed to give you the percentage of love between two people. The True Love Calculator is an easy and fun way to measure the intensity of your love for someone. The test takes about two minutes to complete and there are no right or wrong answers. After completing the test, you will be given a score from 0-100% that indicates the level of love between you and your partner. A higher score means you are more committed and more attracted to your partner. A lower score means you are less committed and less attracted to your partner. The score will help you to see how much love you have for your partner and whether or not it is worth it to continue your relationship. The True Love Calculator is perfect for anyone who is considering taking their relationship to the next level or for anyone who wants to get a better understanding of their relationship. The True Love Calculator is also a great way to gauge the level of commitment and attraction in a relationship before it becomes too serious.