L'application Word Learning vous aide à mémoriser les mots et expressions anglais.
When we learn a new word or phrase, most likely, we forget it if we don't face on it again. This app helps you to add words and phrases, simply by telling it the new/exist words. The words have lifespans. If the word will not be reviewed again, it will be disappeared and deleted for ever. However, if the word will be reviewed, its lifespan get multiplied by 1.3. For example, after we add "Book" word to the app, the word sits on storage for 2 days. If we review the word anytime between its lifespan, a new lifespan will be generated, which will be more than 2 days. The lifespan will be 2.6 days. If we review it again, the lifespan will be 3.38 days. Then 4.40 days, 5.72 days, 7.44 days... Therefore, if we review the words and phrases over and over, we don't forget them easily, and they stuck in our minds for longer lifespan.