Pertempuran di 24 level khusus, musuh acak, dan jadilah Komandan Armorgeddon!
Armorgeddon is a casual strategy game that is easy to pick up but challenging to play. Each level starts by randomizing units to make the game play different each time you play that level. There are 24 levels that range in play time from 10 to 60 minutes each, with over 14 hours of game play. What makes this game unique besides a hex board game in 3D with beautifully but treacherous rendered landscapes, is a rogue like aspect to the game as there is no save in the level, if you lose the level you have to start over. Each level you win will add coins to your bank to purchase perks that you can use during level play. Perks purchased within the level are for that live round only, if you lose you lose your perks as well. Within each level are also smaller power ups for your units that last 1-2 turns but can be a great advantage. When you start the game up, you will find over 50 achievements to be won, a camouflage painting system, and a control section that briefly describes the terrain tiles, units, power ups, and basic movement and shielding. While in the game and an enemy is highlighted in red, hover over the enemy unit to determine your chance to hit, don't waste shots (fuel/AP) on 0% chances. Move and place your shots wisely to ensure fuel is replenished and you are not stranded. Some units have special abilities that can affect the outcome of the battle if used strategically but if used too early can lead to defeat.