Hope of Glory Seventh Day Adventist
Welcome to the Hope of Glory Free SDA Church. I am Pastor Anthony C. Jackson and I am delighted that you chose to visit our web-site. You will have the pleasure to hear and see some of the most powerful messages for our time that has been sent from the very throne room of God. I would encourage you to get a King James Version Bible and tell a friend or love one about this web-site. One of the things that you will discover here at the Hope of Glory is that we are living in the end of time. Christ coming is closer than you could imagine and the events that you see happening in our world today is forecasting the soon arrival of the King of Kings. The bible studies that you will receive here are very in-depth and will start you on your way to being a Bible Scholar. So please get ready to receive the most eye opening evidence that Jesus lives and is soon to come again. May the Lord bless you mightily as you begin a life changing journey here at the Hope of Glory.