Dalam program ini perkalian diilustrasikan dengan menambahkan kelompok objek.
In this program multiplication is illustrated by adding groups of objects. If, for instance, the multiplication problem (which appears at the top of the screen) is 5 x 10 = ?, the student will be told to click on five, the blinking number. Five boxes will appear on the screen. Then the second number (ten) will be blinking and the student will be told to click on the blinking number. Ten apples will appear in each of the five boxes. Now the student will be told to click on each of the boxes. When the student clicks on each box (as it blinks) the apples will get numbered. When the student gets to the last box, the program voice tells the student to click the last apple, which will be blinking. The program voice states “Yes, five times ten is fifty” and 50 appears in the answer space.