Sederhana Grading Kalkulator cara kerja grading kertas dan aritmatika.
Simple Grading Calculator is very simple and quick to use in order to calculate grades. Simply type in the amount of questions on a test and press "Calculate". The app will generate precise grading for a student's test, quiz, or any other work. The Simple Grading Calculator is intended for teachers to make grading papers faster and simpler. This app can also be used by students to calculate their grade on a test or a future test that they might be worried about. Simple Grading Calculator, runs the calculator part in the background so you do not have to type any extra mathematical symbols. As a new update, the grading calculator also has a regular calculator included, so that users do not have to go into another app to do simple arithmetic. Also, a tip calculator has been added to the app. One of many free offline apps.