SecondLook चिकित्सकीय संज्ञाहरण लाइट एप्लिकेशन को पूर्ण एप्लिकेशन का नमूना पृष्ठ हैं,
The SecondLook™ Dental Anesthesia Lite application provides a series of sample pages of the full Dental Anesthesia app, which is a study aid for learners of the dental sciences to self-test their level of knowledge about anesthetic procedures used in standard dentistry. The complete app covers the following topics: Maxillary Nerve Blocks; Mandibular Nerve Blocks; Akinosi and Gow-Gates Blocks; Calculations and Complications; and Intrapulpal, Periodontal Ligament (PDL)and Infiltration Injections. These procedures are reviewed in a stepwise fashion including potential complications and limitations, as well as different anesthetic agents and dosagecalculations.